Regular Sailing Evenings

Sailing is a great way to relax on a warm summer evening on the water, first in the boat with other sailors, then after sailing enjoying a beverage and a bite to eat with fellow members. For the more adventurous, sailing can also be exciting when the winds pick up. Sailing in high winds can be very challenging and exhilarating.

All members are scheduled for one evening each week, Monday thru Friday with a 5:30-6pm start. New members (crew) will always sail with an experienced club skipper, and occasionally with other club members also on board. All club members learn from each other through observation, mentoring and hands on practice. On Albacores the ratio is usually 1:1 skipper to crew, while on the Sirius’ it is normal to have up to 3 crew with a skipper. Albacores must return to the dock by sunset while the Sirius being equipped with navigation lights, may remain out a little longer.

On Albacores there is a three level system of crew, first mate, and skipper. This gives everyone an opportunity to sail at their own level. First Mates can sail and practice their skills with other First Mates without direct skipper supervision as long as there is a skipper on the water. For large boats only two levels are available, crew and skipper.

Skippers have unlimited use of Albacores at any time. This is only subject to boats being used for races, club social events, and regular sailing evenings. The large boats are available on the same basis and can also be reserved for overnight and out of harbour trips by skippers who have qualified to do so. All of this is included with your membership.